Professional Expert Electronic Bug Sweep and TSCM Detection Services in Michigan
The Importance of Professional Electronic Bug Sweep Detection Services in Michigan
Lakeside Investigations offers a full investigative professional
expert electronic bug sweep and TSCM detection service in Michigan. It is important to research and hire a
Michigan private detective investigator that is completely knowledgeable in this department. Bug sweeping is a tedious project that Lakeside Investigations take very seriously and do not finish an investigation until all
electronic bugs are eliminated. Wiretap detection is an outstanding counter surveillance tool and our staff is trained in using the equipment and technology that is required in detecting both bugs and wiretaps.
It is very unfortunate that laws in place still do not protect us from spies. Many situations find individuals in a predicament in which they are being spied on, using wiretaps and other resources. In order to prove that this is truly happening, professional bug sweeping and wiretap detection is required. Buying equipment off of the internet and conducting your own investigation may not lead to discovering a hidden wiretap; sometimes it leads to alerting the criminal to your suspicions. It is best to use someone highly trained in this field. It is not a very good idea to take things in your own hands, especially during a criminal act, because further repercussions may occur.
Reasons for Electronic Bug Sweeping

It is hard to imagine someone listening in on your private phone calls every time you pick up the phone. You may be talking to your doctor or conducting business and someone is listening to every word. In many cases infidelity is a huge factor in discovering
electronic bugs and wiretaps. Criminals use bugs to gain access to your phone lines. Our services will help you find these bugs and eliminate them. Normally, wiretaps are not permissible in court if you do not have a professional
Michigan private investigator working with you to solve the case and find this unlawful equipment. Working alone could be just a waste of time.
There are a few things you can look for that may indicate you are being recorded or someone is listening to your conversation, for example if you start noticing secrets being divulged around your office in a discreet manner, this could be a red flag that a fellow employee may be eavesdropping on your phone calls. Are you hearing unusual sounds or volume changes in your phone conversations? This could mean that a wiretap was placed on the phone line and has interfered with your phones performance. This seems to occur when a beginner is using surveillance equipment. In this case, you will also notice scratching noises and popping sounds as well. Amateurs tend to install the surveillance equipment incorrectly and therefore you may detect something unusual in your telephone calls.
Lakeside Investigations Services Offers Electronic Bug Sweep and TSCM Detection Services
If you notice any red flags that also include radio interference, home or office break-ins, in which nothing seems to be missing, television interference, car radio interference and many other warning signs, call us and we will further investigate the matter. Keep in mind, that the only reason you may notice these occurrences is because you have a current situation brewing that may be present in your life at this specific time, such as litigation, divorce, or business matters. We will use our professional equipment to detect wiretaps and completely perform a full-bug sweep.
It is best that you call our professional
Michigan private detective investigator agents to help you resolve your surveillance issue. If you first call the phone company before contacting an investigator, this will start your own investigation and you will not be supplied with the service and equipment that our
Michigan private detective investigator provides you with. We possess only the top-of-the-line investigative equipment. Our wiretap detection device will find even the most concealed wiretaps around. It is so easy to purchase electronic equipment online, that surveillance equipment has surfaced just about everywhere. We understand the danger of taking these measures in your own hands.
Call Lakeside Investigations and we will sweep every phone in your house or business for
electronic bugs that may have been installed. No one should have to live in fear every day of their life.
We are professional experts in detecting electronic bugs, TSCM, and
hidden cameras in Michigan.
There are laws in place that protect you from eavesdropping and violation of your privacy. When someone records your phone conversations without your knowledge or permission, they are breaking a law and deserve to be prosecuted. Our services will help you reach this goal. Call us today and we will use our best equipment to sweep for bugs and rid your home or office of wiretaps. We look forward to serving you and providing you with the equipment and knowledge you need to eliminate wiretaps and feel secure once and for all.
TSCM - TSCM - TSCM - Technical Surveillance Counter Measures
Professional Expert Electronic Bug Sweep and TSCM Detection Services in Michigan
Don't Wait - Get Your Life Back - Call Now!
(586) 850-0699
Lakeside Investigations & Security
25801 Harper Ave. Suite 2
St. Clair Shores, MI. 48081
(586) 850-0699